A community organization created by and for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and questioning youth from 14 to 30 years old.
1 | Sip & Paint
4 | Clue avec Mélo (AlterHéros)
7 | Compétence de based | La sécurité en manif avec Lou
8 | Care par les pair·es | Safer space: Journée internationale des droits des femmes
11 | Atelier Prévention des ITSS avec Alis (GIAP)
14 | Soirée jeux de société et jeux vidéos
15 | Lambdadulte (18+) | Karaoke
18 | Projet Laisse ta marque | Première rencontre
21 | Soirée poésie | Thématique printemps
22 | Lambdehors | Sortie friperie
25 | Lambdado (12-17) avec le MEM (Centre des mémoires montréalaises)
28 | Queerrières | Musique avec Calamine
29 | Drop-in trans | Journée de la visibilité trans. Création de macarons
Events & Discussions
We organize weekly discussions and themed activities to promote the heathy socialization as well as the mental, sexual and physical wellbeing of 2SLGBTQIA+ youth.
Gender Gear Access Program
14 to 30 year old trans and non-binary folks can obtain access to gear such as binders, gaffs, packers, harnesses, STP, breast forms, etc, for free or on a pay-what-you-can basis.
Active listening
We offer free and confidential one-on-one active listening sessions on a punctual or recurring basis and we are able to swear in forms to change name and gender markers.
Make a donation
Though we are grateful for our funding, the PSOC is unable to raise our funding to reflect the growing needs of our populations. Our every day operations depends on the generosity of our donors.
In 2022-2023, a great majority of our received donations allowed us to help 172 youths get access to gender affirming gear. Lately, our services have seen a growing demand and we are more popular than ever. If you would like to help us in our mission, the donation is button is below.
All donations, if you are able, whether it be big or small, are greatly appreciated!